A teacher, mother of four and resident of Southwick Green ward for forty years, Robina is passionate about our local neighbourhood. She believes education, employment and affordable/social housing are vital in enabling the community to evolve and move forward. She is determined to provide an inclusive platform to enable local voices to be heard and supported as we plan together for a better, fairer future.
A member of Southwick Traders Association for the past ten years, Robina has been proactive in organising and planning community events to provide a vibrant Southwick Square for us all to use and pledges to continue this work on your behalf.
With Shoreham Port as part of our ward, Robina believes that supporting local fishermen, preserving access to the Harbour Arm for walking and angling and good stewardship of Southwick Beach are important local factors which are often overlooked.
Robina’s local experience and optimism is a great asset to our community.
Robina Baine